TF:TM Sexually Slanted Lines

From Sun, 16 Mar 1997 09:39:45 -0800
Here're some lines from Transformers: The Movie that kind of sound dirty if you try hard enough. Sort of how like "picnic in the grass" or "frosting the cake" can sound explicit to those who really want it to. Anyway, enjoy. -Blitzwing


10. You did an amazing job, a-mazing!

9. Open, dammit, open!

8. I knew you had potential, lad.

7. Just think about what you wanna do before you do it.

6. It's kind of tricky.

5. Grimlock, get your noodle out of my face!

4. Turbo revvin' young punk! I'll straighten you out yet!

3. Let me give it one more try; okay, I think I've got it.

2. ARCEE (to Daniel): For the first time out you were great.

SPRINGER: Okay, show time's over, we got work to do!

and the number one sexually slanted line (drum roll)....

1. Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!


and here's the Phantom's contributions:

Daniel: "Whoa, look at the size of it!"
Hot Rod: "It's a whopper, alright!"
Hot Rod (to Kup) : "No way, you're just a little stiff!"

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