Sex, Lies, and the Autobot Leader

(or The Crush)

by Phantom
rating: ***+opl

Author's note: BEWARE: this fic is extremely rated, full of vulgar language as well as explicit sexual description and innuendo.

Chapter Eight
rating: non-sexual

The group of assembled Autobots gaped as their leader entered the room. They were the head honchos, the braintrust, the command force behind the Autobot army. They were quite adept at dealing with the unexpected, but they had come to anticipate such events as coming from the Decepticons, not their own leader. Such odd behavior had come with the territory with Rodimus Prime, but Optimus Prime had been a stickler for punctuality and going by the book. Thus, the assembled group of Autobots was struck dumb when their commander waltzed through the door. Not only was he twenty terran minutes late, he was whistling. "Hello, all," he fairly sang as he gave the group a jaunty wave, assuming his customary seat at the front of the table. "Sorry for being late," he said off-handedly. "So, what have we got on the table for discussion?"

Alita glared daggers at him from the other end of the table. It was her custom to sit next to him at briefings, as was her right as co-leader, but she had hoped to rattle his cage and put physical distance between them by sitting as far away as she could. But so far, he hadn't even spared her a passing glance! How could she slight him if he didn't even pay her any notice?

"Erm," said Kup nervously, trying to focus on his prepared list. "I've found a few holes in our security that have to be patched ASAP. Just because the 'Cons are out of the picture, doesn't mean that we can afford to get sloppy. Remember that we have plenty of other enemies. The Quintessons, for one."

Optimus nodded, but he seemed rather distant. "Good idea, Kup. Anyone else?"

Perceptor cleared his vocal unit and launched into a lengthy discussion of his latest effort to further refine energon, in order to achieve a higher purity. This time, everyone visually tuned out. Springer hunched over his laptop, concentrating on it intently. Anyone would have thought that he was hard at work on a serious project.

Magnus heard the nearly imperceptible beep that came from his own laptop and opened it up, also pretending that he had an important project to attend to. What's up with Optimus? scrolled across his screen. He replied to Springer, Not sure, but I'd bet my commission that it has something to do with that femme he met last night.

Springer bit his lip, trying to hide the grin that threatened to split his face. Most likely. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy. But you've known him longer; what do you think?

Magnus shook his head. I've never seen him like this at all, that's for sure. Not even in all the time he'd been dating Alita. Whoever this Crystal is, she's knocked him for a loop.

Springer smirked. I bet that's not all she's knocked!

Springer! Magnus chided. That's none of our business.

So? The whole base is talking about it already.

Let them talk. It's still none of their business. Magnus shook his head in disapproval.

Perceptor's endless monologue finally drew to a close. He ended his briefing with a flourish of his hand, expecting a smattering of applause, or at least an acknowledging nod from his commanding officer. What he got was something less than satisfying. His leader sat there, staring off into space, a soft glow tingeing his optics. "Erm, Optimus? Is everything all right?" he inquired softly. "Did I lose you at any point?"

Optimus jumped, startled out of his reverie. "Oh, not really, Perceptor. Thank you for that, erm, illuminating report. Who's next? Kup?"

"I've already gone, sir," the Autobot warrior said gently.

Optimus looked slightly embarrassed. "Oh, yes, of course. Ratchet, would you do the honors?"

Alita gave a disgusted snort and rose in her seat. This whole meeting was a farce and a waste of her valuable time. She wanted to check on how her plans of revenge were going, anyway. Crystal's misery would be so much sweeter if she were there to witness it.

"Going somewhere?" a voice asked dryly.

"As a matter of fact, I am," she replied coolly.

Optimus' gaze became stern, suddenly all business. "I don't recall dismissing you. Even when we were life-mates, I never would have accepted such behavior. You will sit down and wait until the end of the briefing, along with everyone else. We aren't wasting your precious time, now are we?" he sneered.

"Not if you'd pay attention," she snapped. "You haven't heard one word that was said here today. You're too busy thinking of the next time you're going to bang that hussy. It's disgusting."

"I'll thank you to keep my private life out of this, thank you very much," Optimus said in a glacial tone. "And I will not have you refer to Crystal in such vulgar terms. She is my companion for the moment, and whether you like it or not does not matter one iota to me. Is that clear?" He surveyed the room's occupants, a glint of anger in his optics. Everyone looked at the table, unable to meet their leader's gaze. "I'll take that as a yes," he said, tone softening a bit. "I figure that's enough for today. You all are dismissed. You may depart now for your pressing engagement, Alita," he said coldly.

Alita turned and flounced out of the room. Optimus pointedly turned his head and ignored her departure. "What a bitch," he growled in a sub-audial tone, but not quietly enough, for those assembled still heard his derogatory comment and winced. They looked at each other in helpless confusion. What had happened? Alita and Optimus had seemed like the ideal couple, sticking together through thick and thin, holding fast to their love through the endless separations, always reuniting happily. They had epitomized a happy relationship, giving the rest of their troops hope that someday they, too, would find their ideal partner to spend their lives with. They took the breakup hard, since it meant the death of a dream. Optimus' relationship with Crystal had raised bitter controversy amongst the warriors: some argued that he was only using her for interface, while others argued that Optimus was better than that. Some just figured that it was none of their business, while most others grumbled that it wasn't right, and that Crystal, slut that she was, would soon move on to the next victim. They hoped that Optimus would wake up and see her true nature and dump her flat on her aft.

Everyone got up and quietly filed out, heads bowed in confusion. They had no idea what had happened between Optimus and Alita, but apparently it was quite serious. And if the happiest couple couldn't get along in peacetime, what hope was left for them?

Springer and Magnus lingered by mute consent. "Optimus, could we have a word with you?" Magnus said gently, taking his old friend's arm and easing him back down in his seat.

Optimus looked at the city commander, seeming a bit irritated, but he relented and sat back. "Okay, tell me what's troubling you."

Springer looked uneasy. "Well, to tell you the truth, it's you. Please don't take this the wrong way, but you've been acting strange today."

Optimus' face darkened, giving the impression of a scowl hidden under his mask. "I really don't think my behavior is anyone's business but my own."

Magnus took over, trying to make his old friend see their point. "Optimus, I totally agree that your private life should be your own to lead, but whatever is happening is beginning to spill over into the public sphere. Today you could barely concentrate, and the tension between you and Alita was palpable. You don't have to give me the details, but I can tell that your breakup was messier than you let on."

Optimus nodded slowly. "That it was. But as long as I was dragging myself around, Alita was quite content to avoid me. Of course, the minute I find someone else to spend my time with, she has to start causing trouble."

"Erm, that's something else we wanted to talk to you about," Springer said uneasily, somehow feeling that he was getting way over his head. He pressed on anyway, since such a feeling had never stopped him before. "Magnus and I know about Crystal's checkered history. We, erm, even have a bit of first-hand information. Me much more so, of course."

Optimus narrowed his optics at this information. He would have never pictured Magnus with such a femme, but then again Crystal probably had a few wily tricks. "Your point?" he said, unable to keep an impatient note out of his voice. He couldn't see how this applied to him.

"Well," Springer continued, getting more nervous by the minute, "we just thought you should know that she has an impressive track record. She's not the type to settle down and become serious with one mech. She prefers to play the field."

"Perhaps that's just what I need right now," Optimus declared. "I've just come out of a very serious relationship, and maybe I need to just enjoy a relationship with no strings attached."

"But people are starting to whisper. After all, Crystal isn't really your type." Magnus began to look rather nervous himself.

Optimus waved his hand dismissively. "Let them. My private life, and Crystal's, is absolutely none of their business. And as for her reputation, I'm sure it didn't bother them when it was their turn with her. I'm sick of all the two-faced gossiping and back-stabbing that has been going on here. Please, both of you, I understand that you are worried and are just looking out for my best interests, but leave me be. I am old enough to make decisions for myself, and I am quite content to be with Crystal for the moment. And if she moves on, so be it. Now, if that's all you have to say, I need to get to my office."

The two robots nodded mutely, less than satisfied with the results of their little talk. They rose and saluted Optimus as he stood and walked out. "Well, that was pointless," Springer muttered.

"Agreed," Magnus sighed. "But he does have a point. Now that things have eased up around here, he's entitled to a bit of fun. Not that I think that having a blatant affair is the answer, of course, but Optimus is a grown mech and we can't stop him. All we can do is hope that it ends quickly."

Springer shook his head. "Believe me, I think that a fling is just what Optimus needs. I just wish that he'd be a bit more discreet about it. He was never this open about his private relationship with Alita. The gossip mill is churning out rumors like crazy, and I'm worried that Optimus will get hurt by it. And Crystal's reputation isn't helping matters."

Magnus snorted at the memory of the conniving femme. "I'm not thrilled by his choice of mates either, but it's his decision. And maybe you are right, and she'll turn out to be good for him. I just hope that he loses interest quickly and moves on. For now, all we can do is watch, wait, and pray that this doesn't blow up in his face."

end of Chapter Eight

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